Operational Links
We are constantly expanding this grassroots led economic research initiative and we are always looking for individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs from all walks of life and professional disciplines to join the team. Most activities are online and part time. There are many income production, wealth building, career building and/or support options integrated into operations.
To move forward and learn more, refer to the Operational and Educational Links and choose a starting point that best fit you:
- The New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project:The New Income Expansion and Prosperity Project is the front-end promotional and educational “umbrella” arm we use to introduce this grassroots-led effort to the general and business public;
- Affiliate Innovation Alliance: The Affiliate Innovation Alliance is a prelaunch incubator and business development hub with a primary focus on monetizing early word of month promotion. This is for those of you who are open minded and aggressively looking to link IMMEDIATE and significant referral based income to your association with the launch of this new economic research initiative;
- Thinkbigmastermindalliance.com: The THINK BIG Mastermind Alliance is also a prelaunch incubator and business development hub. This is for those of you who are looking to position yourself professionally early to take advantage of the FREE online co-ownership work environment. This environnent come alive in Stage I of operations. We are currently in prelaunch;
- IRBDN.net. The Income Reengineering Business Development Network (IRBDN) is the current operational hub. This is where people or members view the operational business plans, collaborate, form worker-owned collaborations online, secure crowdfunding, launch new worker-owned enterprises, and build wealth. This hub will evolve significantly over time;
- IncomeReengineering.com: This is the educational hub/blog where you can dig deeper into Income Reengineering Principles and Processes. You can also get access to periodic educational posts on how Income Reengineering Principles and Processes will affect various segments and areas of the economy and work-life (i.e., economy, politics technology, business, career opportunities, money, etc.);
- Mindsonline.net: This is the management hub we use to introduce the economic research initiative and the associated Income Reengineering Principles and Processes to the general and business public. Also, all management oriented communications and support infrastructure originate from this hub.
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